Curriculum Workflow and Resources


Curriculum Workflow

Kuali, UNM’s Catalog and Curriculum management tool, is an online tool for course, program, and other forms. Curriculum revision is subject to review and approval by the Faculty Senate and other curriculum-related Committees. Direct questions to the Catalog and Curriculum staff at

 Curriculum Login

HSC users should use their HSC credentials to log in. Note: workflow submissions are currently paused while our staff conducts site maintenance. Submissions will resume in February 2023.

Deadline for 2023-2024 Curriculum Forms

Health Sciences Center: Friday, October 7, 2022

Main Campus: Friday, November 11, 2022

Deadline for 2023-2024 Catalog Edits

Main Campus and Health Sciences Center: Friday, March 31, 2023

Training Opportunities

Training sessions will be offered via Zoom during the Semester. Visit the registration page to view the schedule and register. If you’re unable to attend a Zoom training session, please utilize the training videos below.

Kuali resources

Training Materials

Video Tutorial

Text Guide

Approving Forms 

 Approving Forms



General Education

 General Education

Other forms

 Other forms 

Overview of Kuali

 Overview of Kuali

Programs & Concentrations

Programs & Concentrations

Rule Builder Tool (pre-req, co-reqs, program requirements)

Rule Builder Tool (pre-req, co-reqs, program requirements)


Updating Catalog Information Pages



How do I add or a change a workflow approver?

How do I submit a form?

How do I find my forms?

How do I edit, approve, or send back a form?

How do I use the rules tool to build program requirements or course pre-requisites?

How I use the Reports tool?

How do I report an error or give feedback?

Don’t see your question here? Visit the Kuali Support Page for a searchable guide to all Kuali help topics.  

Kuali Support

If you are having trouble logging in to your Kuali account, contact UNM IT at (505)277-5757 or For questions about how to use forms or create complex rules, review the help resources above before emailing

New Program Preliminary Review

New program proposals must be preliminarily reviewed by the Office of the Provost before being submitted to Curriculum workflow. Allow six weeks for the preliminary review. Outlines that detail the preliminary review process for new associate and undergraduate programs are found below. See the  Graduate Studies office Web site for more information on the preliminary review for new graduate programs.

Additional Resources

Archived Forms

Forms submitted between 2006 and Spring 2022 can be accessed in the Curriculum Workflow Archive. NOTE: A VPN is required to access the Workflow Archive from off-campus and non-UNM networks. See UNM FastInfo ID 7819 or call (505) 277-5757 for more information.