Common Course Numbering Project
UNM's Academic Affairs values the academic judgment of faculty, which is protected by the UNM Faculty Handbook and the Regents' Policy Manual. As with all courses at UNM, faculty determine course materials, teaching methods and approaches, assignments and specific content for Common Course Numbered courses offered at UNM.
In accordance with New Mexico statute, all lower-division courses must be integrated in a statewide common course numbering system. The Higher Education Department maintains a list, organized by subject, of all lower-division courses, identified by four-digit common course numbers (CCNs) and related student learning outcomes (SLOs).
Faculty and departments must make sure that any new lower-division course —in addition to being approved through UNM's curriculum flow process —is entered with the support of the UNM Associate Registrar into the HED common course numbering system. Resources at the links below can help you navigate the Higher Education Department CCN approval.
Faculty on UNM Main campus and on UNM branch campuses should consult with each other about alterations (new courses, changes to courses including titles and SLOs, and course deletions) to the lower-division curriculum.
UNM maintains the integrity of its own curriculum oversight process. This means that for lower-division (CCN) courses, both changes to existing courses (UNM Form A) and creation of new courses (UNM Form B) need to go through a UNM curriculum process and a Higher Education Department process simultaneously.
The Associate Registrar and I are available to support you through the process.
— Pamela Cheek, Ph.D., Associate Provost for Curriculum and Assessment