Grades and Grading


The following drop down menu has been designed for you to easily navigate questions regarding grades and grading.

  • Once entered by the instructor grades will post to the student account the following business day.
  • Semester GPA, Dean's list, and probation/suspension status are determined one week after the last official day of the semester.
  • More information in StudentInfo #3148.
  • Once entered by the instructor, grades will post to the student account the following business day.
  • Per the Faculty Handbook, Section D125: Faculty grades are expected to be entered and submitted using Web Grades within 48 hours after the final exam.
  • Law School grades are due 30 calendar days from either the paper due date or the date the examinations are delivered to the faculty member, whichever is later. Clinic grades are due one business day before the first day of the following semester.
  • Medical School (Clinical Science) grade availability varies by Phase:
    • Phase I: compiled and submitted generally within a few weeks of each block being completed.
    • Phase II: require board "shelf" exams that are graded outside UNM and take approximately 2 weeks to be returned after the rotation ends. Then the remainder of the Phase II grades can be compiled and submitted a few weeks after the shelf board scores get back.
    • Phase III: are compiled by multiple attending physicians and generally are due 4 weeks after the rotation is completed.
  • If your grade has not posted please contact your Instructor for further information. If your instructor is unavailable please contact the Department offering the course for further information.
  • More information in StudentInfo #2022
  • Grade Replacement is a student initiated process initiated after a course has been repeated for a better grade. The original grade will remain on the transcript but will no longer count in the GPA or Earned Hours calculations.
  • There are important restrictions on and limitations to this Policy. See StudentInfo #2073 for detailed information.
  • A Grade Petition may be used to request retroactive withdrawal, enrollment or enrollment cancellation.
  • This petition process does not cover disputes involving academic judgment (Refer to the UNM Pathfinder, “Student Grievance Procedure,” Article 2, Academic Disputes).
  • As a general rule, the student must submit the request outlining the desired outcome and include relevant supporting documentation (letters from instructors, doctors, etc.). The Petitions are then reviewed by committee and the student is notified of the outcome.
  • There are important restrictions on and limitations to this Policy. See StudentInfo #2074.
  • An Instructor Initiated Grade Change may be used by an instructor to correct previously reported grades or resolve Not Recorded or Incomplete grades.
  • Students are not allowed to handle Instructor Grade Change forms either before or after the instructor has completed them.
  • More information in FastInfo #2057.
  • Information on how individual grades impact GPA's may be found in StudentInfo #3461.
  • Information on how GPA's are calculated may be found in StudentInfo #2072.

A Frequently Asked Questions document is available in FastInfo #3525